Couples’ Coaching
Do you want to recover the connection and intimacy that once brought you together?
Would you like to have the upsets in your relationship become something that strengthens it rather than destroys it?
Would you like to determine if this is the “right” relationship before you fully commit?
Well then, you’ve come to the right place!
You can have the Loving, Joyful, Extraordinary Relationship you’ve always dreamed of!
It’s absolutely available!
Unfortunately, there was no manual given to us when we were growing up to guide us through the mine-fields of relationship. We were just expected to grow up, find “the” one, fall in love and live “happily ever after”. And you know how well that turned out.
Whether you’re currently in a relationship that isn’t all that it could be, or you’re looking for “another” relationship hoping against hope that it will be better than the others… well then, you’ve come to the right place!
Whatever the issue may be, it can be recognized and resolved through open and honest communication. All it takes is your willingness to participate and be supported in having what you’ve always wanted: a loving, ecstatic relationship. My commitment is to have that happen for you.
This coaching is for couples, family members, friends, et al, and is designed to have you experience your ability to relate to one another in a more loving and honorable way.
I listen with compassion, I create safety, and I cut through the chaff and get right to the heart of what’s not working for you in your relationship. My goal is to return you to the heart of your relationship where understanding, resolution and healing occur, and trust is restored. I can guide you to accomplish what you are looking for in your relationship. This method is tried and true, and I’ve had an extremely high success rate over the past 35 years.
If you’re tired and fed up with waiting for it “to get better” and are ready to transform your relationship and register for a free introductory session, contact me now!
Couples’ Testimonials
“We accomplished more for our relationship in one 2 hour coaching session with Francine than we did in a whole year of marriage counseling. We were on the verge of divorce and now, instead, we are a reunited family. We are eternally grateful.
“Oh boy! I wish we had met you years ago. I wish that schools and universities had programs we could call something like “Life Communication Skills,” so that people could learn how to communicate effectively and in a civil manner with each other!
My wife and I came to you just months ago, after a multi-year struggle in our relationship. Thank you for helping me to re-learn what I practiced so faithfully for so many years, and then somehow lost through life’s tragedies. You helped me find my rudder again, and no matter the outcome in our current relationship, it all starts with the self. One must start by maintaining one’s self-esteem. It’s the only way to move forward. What you teach, and how you teach it is the best way, far and away, for couples and individuals to each go forward, as one’s authentic self in a committed relationship.
Individual Coaching
Do you want to feel better about yourself?
Are you discouraged about not having a relationship?
Are you feeling “alone” in your relationship?
My expertise is in relationship, especially the one with yourself.
There is so much that can be done to prepare you for “the” relationship, particularly the healing and completion about what didn’t work in your past relationships. Otherwise you are likely to carry that unworkability with you into your next one. If you are open for miracles (yes, they still happen) and are willing to shift the way you’ve been relating to your issues, contact me now and allow me to support you and empower you.
If you’re struggling in a relationship now, and your partner is not ready or willing to accept any outside assistance, then use the support for yourself. More progress than you know can be made in a relationship even if only one person does the work.
If you’re ready to transform your relationships and register for a free introductory session, contact me now!
Individuals’ Testimonials